UP NISMED Participates in a Cross-border Education Cooperation between the Philippines and Malaysia
Dr. Soledad A. Ulep, Director of UP NISMED, and Dr. Aida I. Yap, Chair of the Elementary School Mathematics Group, participated in the APEC-KKU 2016 International Symposium and the 9th International Conference on Educational Research [...]
Workshop on Stress Management and Right Food Choices for All Ages Conducted
In response to the UP Administration’s call for a healthy lifestyle and wellness for its personnel through training programs and seminar-workshops, the UP NISMED Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Committee (HLWC) organized a half-day seminar-workshop on [...]
Aboitiz Foundation Partners with UP NISMED
The Aboitiz Foundation sponsored a three-day Seminar-Workshop on Teaching Selected Topics in Science for Special Science Elementary School Teachers on 13-15 December 2016. The Elementary School Science Group together with the High School Biology and [...]
Rational Functions Project: Grade 11 Mathematics Curriculum Materials Development
The High School Mathematics (HSM) group has been developing curriculum materials in Grade 11 Mathematics, particularly on rational functions. There are 6 teaching guides and 6 learning materials (covering lessons 1 to 6) in this [...]
UP NISMED Staff Present Papers at the 10th WALS International Conference
Four UP NISMED staff attended and presented papers at the 10th World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS) International Conference held at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom on 2-6 September 2016. The conference [...]
JFC-Coop Sponsors Training of Elementary School Mathematics Teachers in Geometry and Algebra
Jollibee Foods Corporation Employees’ Multi-Purpose Cooperative (JFC Coop) in partnership with the UP NISMED Elementary School Mathematics (ESM) group conducted a 3-day training program titled “Training Program on Upgrading Elementary School Mathematics Teachers’ Competence in [...]