
NISMED Staff Participates in Mental Health and Stress Management Workshop

In keeping with the University’s call for the implementation of a campus-wide Wellness Program, the UP NISMED Healthy Lifestyle and Wellness Committee organized a half-day seminar-workshop on “Detoxifying our Lives: Mental Health and Stress Management.” [...]

By |October 8th, 2018|Categories: Staff Development|

UP President Danilo L. Concepcion and UP Researchers Visit Université Clermont Auvergne

University of the Philippines President Danilo L. Concepcion visited Clermont-Ferrand, a university city in the central part of France on 10 -12 May 2018.  Pres. Concepcion met with faculty members and administrative staff of Université [...]

By |June 29th, 2018|Categories: Teacher Training|

Curriculum Materials Development Project: Teaching and Learning Ratio and Proportion in Elementary School Mathematics

The Elementary School Mathematics (ESM) Group is revising teaching and learning materials on Ratio and Proportion aligned with the Enhanced K to 12 Elementary School Mathematics Curriculum. Ratio and Proportion, which is under the Numbers [...]

By |March 13th, 2018|Categories: Curriculum Development|
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