Prof. Josefina C. Fonacier
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Prof. Josefina C. Fonacier---a tireless worker, an excellent teacher, and a good leader. We will always remember your beautiful smile, good-natured personality, and witty remarks. [...]
Dr. Milagros D. Ibe
It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we inform the science and mathematics education community of Dr. Milagros D. Ibe's passing. Thank you, Dr. Ibe for having been a part of UP [...]
Developing a Theory-Driven Lesson Study: A Research Project
Another NISMED research project titled “Developing a Theory-Driven Lesson Study for Mathematics Teachers” has been completed. The project which ran from June 2019 to December 2020 in partnership with a public secondary school in Pasig [...]
UP NISMED KaSaMa Responds to Teachers’ Need for Retooling During the Pandemic
To help teachers meet the demand of teaching in this time of pandemic, the KaSaMa Teachers Community of the University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (UP NISMED) conducted a [...]
UP NISMED publishes two online chemistry curriculum materials
As a response to the need for more online educational resources in this time of pandemic, UP NISMED is pleased to publish a self-learning module for senior high school (G11/12) students. This Self-Learning Module in [...]
Teaching Mathematics Through Text and Tech
A webinar tackling two topics, Teaching Mathematics Through Text and Tech was conducted on 9 December 2020 through the KaSaMa Teachers Community platform and was broadcasted via Zoom and Facebook Live. The first session, facilitated by Ms. [...]