To be the center of research and innovation in science and mathematics education in the Asia-Pacific region at the basic and teacher education levels.

- To conduct research in science and mathematics education
- To develop curriculum materials and recommend standards for science and mathematics education
- To develop and implement programs for teachers and teacher educators in science and mathematics
- To provide inputs to policy formulation in science and mathematics education
- To promote the development of a science culture in the country
- To serve the public through various extension programs
GOAL 1 Establish a Culture of Research
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Strengthen NISMED as research institute
- To build up the research capabilities of NISMED staff
- To conduct research focused on curriculum, teaching/learning, assessment, and professional development to serve as bases for policy formulation
- To intensify research collaboration with UP constituent units and other local and international institutions
- To increase the number of published research outputs
- Conduct regular in-house research updates and sharing of literature review
- Provide dedicated time for research-related activities
- Provide incentives for publications and research dissemination
- Organize local and international conferences
- Conduct collaborative research with UP constituent units and other local and international institutions
GOAL 2 Make NISMED the Center for Developing Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Materials
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Develop effective curriculum, teaching/learning, and assessment materials
- To produce relevant, innovative, and effective materials
- To develop multimedia materials
- To make the materials accessible to stakeholders
- Enhance the skills of the staff in developing multimedia materials
- Develop multimedia teaching, learning, and assessment packages
- Conduct impact studies on the materials developed
- Implement a marketing program for efficient and effective dissemination of the materials
- Provide incentive for publication of multimedia materials
GOAL 3 Provide Dynamic Professional Development Programs
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE 1: Promote lesson study as a continuing professional development model for teachers
- To familiarize teachers, administrators, and teacher educators on lesson study
- To promote collaborative lesson research and development in schools and learning centers
- Organized fora/seminar-workshop on lesson study
- Publish books/papers/articles on lesson study
- Conduct open class on lesson study
- Provide online support materials to teachers and schools doing lesson study
- Collaborate with UP constituent units and other teacher education institutions in the conduct of lesson study.
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE 2: Offer other dynamic professional development models
- To develop professional development curriculum packages for science and mathematics teachers
- To contribute to national policies regarding continuing professional development programs for teachers
- Develop professional development curriculum packages that advocate teaching through problem solving in mathematics and inquiry in science
- Offer professional development curriculum packages through different modes of delivery
- Maximize the use of technology in providing support to teachers’ professional development
GOAL 4 Make NISMED more Visible through Effective Public Service
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE: Strengthen linkages with local government units and media networks
- To promote NISMED programs, services, and products through various mode of delivery
- To disseminate science, technology, and mathematics information that is understandable and relevant to the public
- Organized caravans and other outreach programs
- Sponsor regular public lectures on science and mathematics education
- Link-up NISMED websites to sites of other educational institutions
- Use different modes of delivery to create public understanding of science and mathematics
GOAL 5 Enhance Efficiency and Productivity
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE 1: Set up and maintain an up-to-date database on NISMED products, services, activities, and clients
- To train staff concerned to set up and maintain databases
- To provide up-to-date information that is easily accessible to stakeholders
- Intensify NISMED-wide management of information such as reports, records, accomplishments, and activities
- Upgrade ICT facilities and maximize their use for efficient and effective delivery of services
- Apply information to develop products and services that meet high standards of quality
STRATEGIC INITIATIVE 2: Institute policies and practices that have positive environmental impact
- To make NISMED environment-friendly
- Monitor energy consumption of electricity and water to reduce cost and promote efficiency
- Maintain laboratories and offices/rooms to prevent wastage of electricity and water
- Practice waste management by optimizing the use of resources, recycling, composting, and implementing similar conservation measures