The Teaching of the Human Reproductive System
PhP 215.00
NISMED has just released a new resource material titled “The Teaching of the Human Reproductive System.” The instructional material aims to help elementary school science teachers in implementing this lesson for Grade 5 students. Contents of the Teacher’s guide include
- Overview
- Advance Preparation
- Lesson Proper
- Five activities tackling the structure and function of the male and female reproductive system
- Post-activity discussion
- Note to the teacher
- Sample summative assessment.
The latest elementary school science publication has just been launched in the 59th anniversary of NISMED last year.

Lesson Study Book 2
Learning More Together, Growing in Practice Together
Soledad A. Ulep, et al. (Eds.)
PhP 300.00
Complementary to the first volume, Lesson Study: Planning Together, Learning Together, the chapters in this book document the actual lesson study experiences of teachers and students that highlight the teaching and learning of science and mathematics through inquiry-based and problem-solving approaches from elementary and high school levels. A unique feature of this book is the inclusion of teachers’ experiences at the college level.
Done collaboratively and systematically, with more research rigor, the chapters in this second volume illustrate how both teachers and students learn through a critical examination of teachers’ instructional practices through lesson study. The editors and contributors of this volume found that, aside from being meaningful and personally fulfilling, the practice of lesson study affords the teachers involved an enjoyable experience as well.
Lesson Study Book 1
Planning Together, Learning Together
Soledad A. Ulep, et al. (Eds.)
PhP 300.00
This book is a documentation of actual experiences of teachers and students in mathematics and science classes as well as learnings arising from these experiences. As a compilation, these chapters highlight the opportunities provided for students to learn mathematics through problem solving and science through inquiry. A common theme permeates all the chapters – both teachers and students are learning through lesson study.
This collection of chapters is an innovative initiative that lays the groundwork for an implementable model of lesson study in the Philippine setting. It is NISMED’s contribution to the ongoing search for a model of professional development that can be adapted in spite of large classes, dearth of resources, and a host of challenges faced by Filipino teachers.

Lesson Study Guidebook
Lesson Study Guidebook Team
ISBN 978-971-570-151-8
Published by NISMED
April 2016
No of Pages: 34
To date, UP NISMED has come out with two books on lesson study, Lesson Study: Planning Together, Learning Together (2013) and Lesson Study: Learning More Together, Growing in Practice Together (2014). A tool kit, How to Conduct Lesson Study in Your School, immediately followed in the latter part of 2014. This Lesson Study Guidebook is a more accessible version and endeavors to walk teachers through the process of lesson study.