The NISMED shall serve as the national center for the improvement and reform of science and mathematics education at the basic and teacher education levels. Its main functions are:
- To serve as a research and development arm of the government in science and mathematics at the basic and teacher education levels;
- In collaboration with DECS, DOST, and CHED, to develop curriculum materials and recommend standards for science and mathematics at the basic and teacher education levels;
- To develop and implement programs for teachers and teacher educators in science and mathematics at the basic and teacher education levels;
- In coordination with other agencies of the government to develop and implement programs that will promote science consciousness and the development of science culture in the country.
University of the Philippines Board of Regents
1110th Meeting on 26 June 1997
A regional center of research and development advocating quality science and mathematics teaching and learning at the basic and teacher education levels.
UP NISMED, as an extension arm of the University of the Philippines Diliman in science and mathematics education, commits to:
- Conduct research in science and mathematics education;
- Develop and disseminate research-based science and mathematics curriculum materials;
- Develop and implement innovative and research-informed programs for teachers and teacher educators in science and mathematics;
- Develop and implement emerging programs that will promote science and mathematics literacy among the citizenry; and
- Provide research-based inputs to policy formulation in science and mathematics education.
Excellence, Integrity, and Social Responsibility
As members of the UP community, we at NISMED strive to fulfill our mandate with excellence – to do our best as we engage in research, develop quality resources, and conduct professional development programs.
We pledge to make every effort to act with integrity as we perform our duties – to be accountable, to be honest in word and in deed, and to be respectful of the perspectives of others, especially during moments of diverging points of view.
As we work continuously toward the improvement of science and mathematics education in the Philippines, we commit to be mindful that we do at UP NISMED should be for the benefit of the whole society.
Contribute to science and mathematics education development
Strategic Initiative 1: Increase research projects
- Prepare, finalize, and regularly update research agenda
- Strengthen the research capabilities of staff
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of research proposals approved
- Number of staff engaged in research
- Number of research projects completed
Strategic Initiative 2: Intensify research dissemination and utilization
- Support dissemination of research outputs in local and international conferences
- Support publication of research outputs in science and mathematics education
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of paper presentations in conferences
- Number of research publications
- Number of research utilization
Strategic Initiative 3: Intensify research collaboration with other institutions
- Conduct research collaboration with UP units and other local and international institutions
- Conduct interdisciplinary research studies
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of collaborative research studies pursued
- Number of collaborative research studies completed
Strategic Initiative 4: Strengthen the capabilities of staff in developing science and mathematics education materials
- Engage staff in capacity-building activities on developing teaching and learning materials
Strategic Initiative 5: Develop and publish research-informed science and mathematics teaching and learning materials
- Develop multimedia materials
- Monitor utilization of curriculum materials developed
Key Performance Indicators (for SI 4 and SI 5)
- Number of research-informed teaching and learning materials developed and published
- Number of staff engaged in development of teaching and learning materials
- Number of teaching and learning materials utilized
Strategic Initiative 6: Provide dynamic and research-informed professional development programs
- Promote lesson study as a continuing professional development model for teachers, teacher educators, and instructional leaders
- Develop and conduct dynamic professional development packages that espouse teaching mathematics through problem solving and teaching science through inquiry
- Develop and conduct other dynamic professional development programs
- Maximize the use of technology in providing support to teachers’ professional development
- Provide support mechanism for post-professional development activities
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of professional development programs developed
- Number of professional development programs conducted
- Number of teachers trained in lesson study
- Number of teachers trained in teaching mathematics through problem solving and teaching science through inquiry
- Number of teachers trained in other professional development programs
- Number of trained teachers provided with post-training support
Strategic Initiative 7: Enhance public service and community engagement
- Develop and implement socially responsive public service initiatives utilizing varied modes of delivery
- Establish and sustain institutional linkages within and outside the University
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of beneficiary communities
- Number of socially responsive public service programs
- Number of staff involved in public service
- Number of partnerships
Optimize use of resources
Strategic Initiative 8: Improve management information system
- Review and update manual of operations
- Develop and implement record management system
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of databases developed
- Number of sections of manual of operations reviewed and updated
Strategic Initiative 9: Institute policies that have positive environmental impact
- Implement guidelines to reduce water and electricity consumption
- Implement guidelines on waste segregation
Key Performance Indicators
- Reduction in water and electricity consumption
- Number of work groups and sections practicing waste segregation
Enhance staff competence and welfare
Strategic Initiative 10: Strengthen staff development programs
- Upgrade competence and skills of staff
- Encourage staff to pursue further studies
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of staff who participated in professional development activities
- Number of staff pursuing further studies
Strategic Initiative 11: Promote good health and well-being
- Conduct health and wellness activities
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of health and wellness activities conducted