The National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development is a research unit and an extension arm of the University of the Philippines attached to the College of Education whose goal is to raise the level of teaching and learning of science and mathematics in the Philippine educational system.
UP NISMED serves as the research and development arm of the government in science and mathematics at the basic and teacher education levels.
UP NISMED develops research-based curriculum materials for teachers and students at the basic and teacher education levels.
UP NISMED offers various training courses for science and mathematics teachers and instructional leaders.
In its role in making science accessible to the public, UP NISMED conducts public service initiatives such as training caravans, sky watching activities, public lectures, and open-labs.

A regional center of research and development advocating quality science and mathematics teaching and learning at the basic and teacher education levels.
UP NISMED, as an extension arm of the University of the Philippines Diliman in science and mathematics education, commits to:
- Conduct research in science and mathematics education;
- Develop and disseminate research-based science and mathematics curriculum materials;
- Develop and implement innovative and research-informed programs for teachers and teacher educators in science and mathematics;
- Develop and implement emerging programs that will promote science and mathematics literacy among the citizenry; and
- Provide research-based inputs to policy formulation in science and mathematics education.
Excellence, Integrity, and Social Responsibility
As members of the UP community, we at NISMED strive to fulfill our mandate with excellence – to do our best as we engage in research, develop quality resources, and conduct professional development programs.
We pledge to make every effort to act with integrity as we perform our duties – to be accountable, to be honest in word and in deed, and to be respectful of the perspectives of others, especially during moments of diverging points of view.
As we work continuously toward the improvement of science and mathematics education in the Philippines, we commit to be mindful that we do at UP NISMED should be for the benefit of the whole society.
With the establishment of the Science Teacher Training Center, a Japanese Grant Aid, the Institute has acquired modern facilities for its curriculum development, training, research, and extension programs.